
India's fight for woman's rights

Jyoti Singh was tortured and killed in a brutal gang rape in 2012 in Delhi, India. Now, the young generation is fighting to improve woman's rights as a result of her death.Together with  Per Christian Selmer-Anderssen we witnessed how the police used massive police force during a peaceful demonstration against rape and racism. Read the story in DN Lørdag (03.05.2014)DN Lørdag India - Foto: Kyrre Lien India - Foto: Kyrre Lien India - Foto: Kyrre Lien India - Foto: Kyrre Lien India - Foto: Kyrre Lien India - Foto: Kyrre Lien Politivold i India. Foto: Kyrre Lien Politivold i India. Foto: Kyrre Lien Politivold i India. Foto: Kyrre Lien Foto: Kyrre Lien Foto: Kyrre Lien

Eirik Justra or Aron Frost

A story in VG Helg about the wrestler Eirik Justra, also known by his stage name Aron Frost. He has been wrestling for several years, but now he has to choose between taking care of his body or to continue with wrestling.

VG Helg, Eirik JustraKYL_KYL_269994810

Wrestleren Eirik Justra Sælør går under artistnavnet Aron Frost

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