School number 58

During the last 8 months, me and Per Christian Selmer-Anderssen have been following school number 58 in Donetsk, the town in war torn Eastern-Ukraine.When we first visited the school in May, the teachers had to clean up broken glass after a rocket hit the school. In total the school has been bombed five times, but almost always stayed open. When we went back to the class rooms in January this year, the kids where about to begin weapon training.Read the story in this months edition of Aftenposten Innsikt. Skjermbilde 2016-02-16 kl. 15.16.14 copy KYL_583521655 KYL_053223902 KYL_500920836 KYL_077224130 KYL_090124258 KYL_089024247 KYL_3116248 KYL_3190321