Assignment for The New York Times

Last week I did an assignment for The New York Times in Hordaland, Norway. They did a story on how the hostage attack on a gas field in Algerie affected Norway. Five Norwegians working for Statoil where killed in the attack. Two of them came from the small county of Austrheim in Hordaland. It was difficult to try and link the attack in Algerie with Austrheim in the pictures. I tried to solve this by photographing the oil refinery Mongstad which is located in Austrheim. We also talked and photographed the mayor Per Lerøy. He has worked for Statoil for 25 years before he became Major. He also knew one of the affected families from the attack.The pictures where featured in International Herald Tribune as well as The New York Times. (I have not yet obtained a paper copy of the NYT, though.)Here are the link to the story.photocrati gallery