Fresco for the NYT

Steinar Haga Kristensen s a Norwegian artist who earlier this month, presented a piece at Oslo City Hall.An unfinished fresco and an opera about its creation. The piece is called: “The Loneliness of the Index Finger (Part II): The Specialization of Sensibility in the Raw Conceptual State into Stabilized Theatrical Sensibility (Consensus Image),”Read the story in  The New York Times here.OSLO, NORWAY - SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 The Norwegian artist Steinar Haga Kristensen is currently doing a two-year residence in in the City Hall in Oslo. His project is to paint an enormous fresco. CREDIT: Kyrre Lien for The New York TimesOSLO, NORWAY - SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 The Norwegian artist Steinar Haga Kristensen is currently doing a two-year residence in in the City Hall in Oslo. His project is to paint an enormous fresco. CREDIT: Kyrre Lien for The New York Times OSLO, NORWAY - SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 The Norwegian artist Steinar Haga Kristensen is currently doing a two-year residence in in the City Hall in Oslo. His project is to paint an enormous fresco. CREDIT: Kyrre Lien for The New York Times OSLO, NORWAY - SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 The Norwegian artist Steinar Haga Kristensen is currently doing a two-year residence in in the City Hall in Oslo. His project is to paint an enormous fresco. CREDIT: Kyrre Lien for The New York Times OSLO, NORWAY - SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 The Norwegian artist Steinar Haga Kristensen is currently doing a two-year residence in in the City Hall in Oslo. Dress rehearsal before the opening.  CREDIT: Kyrre Lien for The New York Times OSLO, NORWAY - SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 The Norwegian artist Steinar Haga Kristensen is currently doing a two-year residence in in the City Hall in Oslo. Dress rehearsal before the opening. Smoke break.  CREDIT: Kyrre Lien for The New York Times OSLO, NORWAY - SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 The Norwegian artist Steinar Haga Kristensen is currently doing a two-year residence in in the City Hall in Oslo. Dress rehearsal before the opening.  CREDIT: Kyrre Lien for The New York Times