
Food in Jerusalem

Some of the photos I took to one of four stories I made with journalist Kjersti in Jerusalem, Israel for VG Helg. The story is about the food that brings all the religions and people in Jerusalem together, and that's Hummus. It is a traditional food made from cooked and mashed chickpeas. They serve this with very many meals as well as alone. It is very good, you shold try!We were one week in Jerusalem. We where also one day in the Palestinian city of Ramallah. Both places are very interesting to visit. The conflict is not so visible on the surface except from checkpoints and big walls between the two regions. Is is first when you begin talking to people that you understand how deep the conflict goes. There is a lot of segregation and racism. We where also integrated for half an hour by the Israeli boarder control when leaving the country. They went through our luggage, photos and checked our stories beacuse we where journalists.photocrati gallery