The struggle back

I was about to leave work and head home when the bomb exploded 150 meters away from where I was sitting at VG in Oslo. I was very close to the horrific terror attacks that happened in Oslo and Utøya that day.When the bomb exploded the whole building shook and the windows where blown out. The fire alarm went off and I grabbed my two cameras and evacuated the building. On the way down from 6th floor I was unsure what I would see when I came out on the streets. There where injured people everywhere and I started taking pictures as they where given first aid. I quickly realized it was a bomb and I started moving down towards the blast site. It was in this chaos I for the first time meet Eivind Thoresen. He was about 30 meters away from where the bomb had gone off. I could hear people scream for help from the higher floors in Regjeringskvartalet. There were also dead and critically wounded people very close to Eivind.People gave Eivind first aid and he had lost a lot of blood. In the following days after 22/7 I realised that I wanted to follow Eivinds way back on his feet. Two weeks later I took pictures when he took his first steps in the hospital after the bomb. Since then I have taken pictures and video of him. Under is a photo essay that was presented in VG. There is also a video in Norwegian about Eivind with video of him from when he was injured and up until now.I am glad to hear that he is going fully recover after the attack.photocrati gallery