This year I wanted to make Christmas gifts with a vintage look to some of my friends and family. I went around to flea markets and stores to find nice frames that I could use.- Then I printed out the photos and cut them into the right size.- I put the pictures in a ovenware and poured tea over it. If I wanted more of a brownish look, I sprinkled some instant coffee over the pictures.- I used a sand paper to make scratches.- Then I poured out some of the tea and put the ovenware with the photos in a preheated oven until it was dry.- After approximately five minutes the photos was dry and ready to be put into the frames.In some of the photos I had to give it a couple of tries to get the right look. It was actually quite fun to do and I hope the recipients are happy with the gifts.
Per Christian Ellefsen in Italy
Some photos I took of the actor Per Christian Ellefsen in Italy. He has bought a large, old housing complex in the city of Tripoli in Italy that he's going to restore. Here are some of the pictures:
Taxi gaze
In the city of Kolkata in India more than 15 million people lives. The city is famous for their yellow taxis, the Ambassador. In 2000 it was over 30.000 taxis in the city. I tried capturing the different faces that hides behind the ambassador of Kolkata.
Nominated for Picture of Year
I am nominated to Picture of Year in Norway. Last year I won 3. price for sport image and honorable mention for a multimedia. 3000 pictures where sent in to the competition this year. I don't know which photo I have will win for, but you can see the photos I sent in here.Here you can read a small interview with me about the nomination.