

Frame grab from a helmet cam of me and Jonas Bendiksen working at Ekstremsportveko in Voss. He shooting stills and me shooting video. Ekstremsportveko is the largest sport and music festival of its kind, and is hosted every year in Voss, Western Norway. The result will be published in a couple of months. Stay tuned.

Polaroid lamp DIY

I had an old Polaroid Land Camera lying around that was broken. With some glue and a light socket it became a lamp. And with a LED-light inside it's also very safe because it produces very little heat. Here are some pictures from the process:

photocrati gallery

Explore your iPhone-photos

So, we all have heard the cliché "the best camera is the one you have with you". In many cases that's actually correct. One fancy thing with the photos you take with your iPhone-camera is that it automatically adds geo-location to every photo. This means you can see exactly where the photo where taken. This is what the app iPhone photos infographic uses to make this fascinating presentation of all your pictures on your phone. (Thanks Eirik for the tip!)It's especially exiting because it also makes a graph that show's when during a day you take most pictures. And of course many other cool features. This is how mine looks like:

Mine as a computer center?

25 km from Måløy, Norway there is an old olivine mine, the Lefdal Mine. Here a group of Norwegian entrepreneurs want to build one of the worlds largest computer center.It was difficult to take photos down there to illustrate how enormous the mine is. For those of you who have ever been in a mine knows that it is dark down there. Very, very dark. The challenge was to light the scenery as well as the people. To solve this I used the headlamps of three cars we had down there, two flashes and four lights hooked up to car batteries. A total of 9 light sources.Shot with a 5dmkII, 16-35mm at 16mm f/5,6 and a slow shutter speed at six seconds.photocrati galleryI also made a panorama. Only available for iPad/iPhone.