
Assignment in France for Leica and Magnum

In January  I was contacted by Jonas Bendiksen and asked to come along with him to Chamonix in France to shoot some ski-photos. I would be making a behind the scenes video of him as well as assisting him on the eight-day shoot in the steep mountains of Chamonix. The photos where going shot with a Leica s2 and would be used by Leica. The assignment was through Magnum. Here you can see the video I made and some stills from the shoot:photocrati gallery


Frame grab from a helmet cam of me and Jonas Bendiksen working at Ekstremsportveko in Voss. He shooting stills and me shooting video. Ekstremsportveko is the largest sport and music festival of its kind, and is hosted every year in Voss, Western Norway. The result will be published in a couple of months. Stay tuned.