
45 of 5 million

A couple of days ago we turned 5 million citicens here in Norway. I have during the last year made portraits of people across Norway. I have met 45 amazing people and drove over 15.000 kilometers. It has been a long journey. It started as an idea in 2010 and in February 2011 i set out for my first trip. Since then I have spent some 60 days on the roads across Norway. Here are some of the pictures from the year I have spent on the road.

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2011 in pictures

This year has been a year rich on happenings, challenges and memories I will keep for the rest of my life. It started in the winter when I started my biggest project ever. I was going to portrait one person in every county in Norway. 20 in total. I traveled all over Norway in my car using it as both as a bed and workstation. I met some fantastic people during the three weeks on the road. This has later been exteended as a series i VG and when it's done I will have made about 45-50 portrait from all over Norway. That is such a cool assignment.In March we had the World Ski Championship here in Oslo. I got to cover the event with other photographers from Scanpix. It was so much fun to work with a team of so many skilled photographers, and I got to try out some new angles and remotes I had wanted to try for a long time.The summer came and I got to work in VG, Norways largest daily newspaper. It was a quiet summer, as it normally is, untill July 22. when a car bomb exploded just 125 meters away from where I was sitting in VG. The windows blew in, and this marked the start of a new era in Norway's history. I was early at the scene covering the horiffic consecuences. Dead and wounded people was scattered aroud the earea covered in debree. I later followed one of the victims from Regjeringskvartalet, Eivind Thoreses which resulted in this essay. During the following autom I had an internship in VG where I worked on feature stories. This was very challenging and exiting to work with.All in all, it has been a good year. I have meet some amazing people and seen interesting things, but still I think the impressions form July 22. has been the strongest. That is something I will never forget.photocrati galleryPS: You can also follow me on Facebook! 

analog love

Many of us young photographers have found a love in analog photos. Sometimes it is refreshing to work with a photo you can’t see two seconds later on a LCD-screen. You have to be a bit more focused when shooting. It is also cool to try out different cameras. I have a couple cameras that uses 135mm, 120mm and 110mm film. It is so fun to play with – and especially if the film is really old and almost broken. Then you can get these nice colors and light leaks.photocrati gallery